Future Spies: Mystery Experience (Upgrade)

Turn Future Spies into a VBS, Camp, or more.

  • Opening Rallies (5x)
  • Amazing Rotations (4×5)
  • Closing Rallies (5x)
  • High quality media (videos & screen graphics)


Upgrade Future Spies to the Mystery Experience!


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    • Fully Editable Leader Guides
    • Opening and Closing Rallies
    • Media Elements (video & graphics)
Created for:

    • VBS or Summer Program
    • Camp
    • Events
Curriculum Details:

    • 5 lessons which includes
    • Games, teaching and rotation-time
    • Ages 6-12

Is it “deep” or is it “fun”? Both!

Have you noticed? In children’s-ministry you either get lessons that are fun-but-shallow, or deep-but-boring. Let’s end this sad tradition! In fact, we keep hearing from churches that they’re blown away by both the depth and fun-factor of our curriculum. Future Spies takes this even further!

Teach kids the meaning of life

What is something that the church offers that kids can’t get anywhere else? Fun? No. The church is the only place that can help kids discover the meaning of their lives. Future Spies helps you teach just that! It’s the perfect subject for your new kids and your regular kids!

Have a massive VBS, Camp or Event!

The Mystery Experience upgrade turns the regular Future Spies series into a MASSIVE VBS, Camp or series of amazing spy-events!

Enough with plastic VBSes!

Many VBS and Camp curricula have become the same. They tend to talk down on kids, give shallow preaching-to-the-choir themes, focus on repetition instead of life-change, ignore that kids prefer teenage-media, are an obstacle to men serving in ministry, and so much more. It’s time for something that works in today’s day and age.

The program adjusts to your needs

The Mystery Experience gives you a massive opening rally, four incredible rotations, and a banging closing rally. Any part can be edited. You are in control.

Helps kids to come to church!

Every big church event should have a structure to help new kids come to church on the weekend! The Mystery Experience does this by ending at lesson 5. Kids will want to know how the spy story continues, so they’re excited to come to your church on the weekends, to enjoy lesson 6 and 7.

3 story videos per day

The entire program is dipped in an ongoing spy story… the video could continue at any moment! For instance, the screen will be “hacked” and the story continues. Or an alarm will sound and the story takes over the program. There are three story parts every day. Each day ends with a cliffhanger.

Engage the older kids also

The Mystery Experience has a unique structure where the stakes rise. Instead of losing the kids’ attention, it builds it. In traditional formats, the older kids will be goofing off by day 2 and take all kids with them by day 3. However, the Mystery Experience is designed to also keep the older kids engaged. Bye, bye discipline problems!

Save time and budget

The Mystery Experience was written to give you the biggest impact for the smallest effort. Our writers wrote the lessons to ensure that you would need to buy less props, do less preparations, and still have a high-impact event. Activity isn’t productivity! Your ministry time is incredibly valuable.

Scales from 30 to 3000 kids

The Mystery Spy Experience works for groups as small as 30 kids and as big as 3000. Each segment gives you variations based on your church size. We’ve done the 3000+ kids event, and even blowing up balloons for 3000 kids turns into a 3-day task! The Spy Experience saves you tons of work.

This is not a regular curriculum series,
It’s an Upgrade to the Future Spies series,
turning it into a massive
VBS, Camp, or outreach series.
This upgrade only works when combined with Future Spies